
Great Taiwan Arts Co., Ltd & a Productivity Analysis of Cultural Values

What would it look like in the eyes of financial experts if an art institution were a company?




Cultural sustainability has been a buzz term in the arts and cultural world. If one treats an art institution like a common corporation that conducts financial statement analyses, and evaluates the productivity and ESG of the art institution, will the produced numbers convey the same meanings as the universal values outside the art field? What numbers can reflect the social responsibility of an art institution? Moreover, when there are things that the numbers fail to describe or reflect, are they the so-called cultural values? Can these non-evaluable values be re-examined somehow? Since artistic creation is supported by art institutions and taxpayers, is this the absolute guarantee of these values?

This project collaborates with credible financial and accounting professionals, and applies the logic and methods of financial statistics (instead of Social Return on Investment, or SROI) to conduct an analysis of the sustainable values and productivity of art institutions in Taiwan. Providing phasal results of the data analysis, the project explains the potential meanings of the numbers to further unearth and question about the connections between social values and cultural practice by looking at the phenomena reflected by the numbers.

ESG stands for “Environmental,” “Social,” and “Corporate Governance,” which is a new form of data and indicator for corporate assessment.


"Next", Taishin Arts Award 20th Anniversary Exhibition

2022.10.29 - 2023.01.15

北師美術館 MoNTUE


Photo by One Work Co., Ltd., provided by MoNTUE


Thanks to Mr. Yen-Chih Wang and Ms. Yu Fang for taking on the role of creative consultants for this project, providing creativity, devoting enthusiasm and participating in the project development. Thanks to Accountant Peter Tsai for providing the basis for fundamental data analysis, as well as the support of the Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture for providing human resources, space, production and other aspects of this project.